Monday, July 28, 2008

In the evening, by the moonlight

Recap of workouts from weekend. I will make it brief. :)

I did a long run on Saturday, increased my mileage to 4.2 total - 3.7 straight, then a minute and a half of walking, and another half mile run.

I also walked to the grocery store that morning. Because I am fabulous.

Saturday night was a bachelorette party, in Richmond, which involved the consumption of a great deal of sushi (of all things) and a sudden craving for french fries at 2 am, but also a lot of walking around and some dancing. In high heels! You barely would have known me, I tell you.

I did, however, have to skip my workout yesterday. I really had to. Not only was I uninspired in terms of what to do but also I just was truly, truly exhausted. I got to bed at 4 am and felt guilty sleeping in past 8, since I was crashing in a living room, and Dorothy was weird about naps yesterday so there was no real chance to relax (although Dan did watch her and keep her mostly quiet for about an hour in the afternoon, but still, it was a tiny little hour of dozing). I hope I can make that lost sleep up, because I think I might need it, and it's SO hard to feel rested right now... Long gone, those days when I could stay in bed until noon! Boy.

I did end up surprisingly NOT over-done on Saturday night, I thought, and as a result while driving back I gave myself permission to have a "splurge" day. This is different from a "binge" day because it's not non-stop uncontrolled eating, it's just going ahead and eating the things I know are really bad for me that I don't have very often. That means it was mostly carbs - not that I stay away from carbs, but I try to balance usually, and stick with the "good" ones. Yesterday we're talking about donut, convenience store cupcakes, zucchini bread (I made this!), and a Slimfast meal bar that was NOT for a meal! (I have such a weakness for "nutrition" bars. It's like if it's in bar form I want it.) Anyway unlike the days last week where I totally failed on controlled eating, I felt like yesterday was okay. I hopefully won't feel a need to do it again for a while though. ;)

Today has been okay so far. For a workout I did a Raquel Welch exercise video - the portion that focused on a lower-body workout - which is weird because she does a handful of easy yoga stretches, some leg lift kind of things, and in between these tells you to "do five minutes of aerobic activity of your choice". Um what? Then she hops on an exercise bike. I mean, it's okay, because I have a room full of equipment so I just step on the elliptical, but I'm all used to Jane Fonda and her trippy bounce-around-the-room choreographed workouts... not "figure it out for yourself"! Anyway Raquel's workout is alright, I did it mainly because I wanted to do something that had even a tiny bit of strength training in it. My pilates video did not come over the weekend and is now scheduled to show its face on Tuesday. Bah.

I did, meanwhile, start the 100-pushups challenge today. I did day 1! Lucky me, right? :P 10, 10, 8, 6, and then another 8. 42 total today! We'll see if I can do day two on Wednesday.

I have nothing more to say that is the slightest bit interesting.


EmLit said...

jeez, 42 pushups! I am not starting the pushup challenge for the third time. First time I ended up hurting my shoulder during week two, second time I just forgot and figured the best thing would be to start over, and now I am doing that. Oy.

Also, just so's you know, I tagged you. You have to post six things about yourself on your blog. You can get rules and more info on my blog. Have fun!

EmLit said...

And by "not starting" I totes meant "now starting". Just clearing that up.