Friday, July 25, 2008


When Dan and I got our economic stimulus check we decided we would splurge on a few things. So we each got $125 in cash to do with as we will. I promptly bought "Peter Pan" with mine and then realized I was down to just $100 and therefore must. save. money!

Anyway, this mostly means shopping on TV's "The Internet" which I hate doing for the simple reason that I loathe paying shipping. Plus you never REALLY know what you're going to get. Plus I can't make up my mind what the heck I want, anyway!

But I just broke down and shopped a bit on which is generally a good site; I trust it a bit more than I do eBay, for reasons I can't explain, especially since eBay owns anyway.

I bought Minna Lessig's "Tank Top Arms" video at long last - now I'll always have SOMEthing I can do to work out! - as well as two Robbie Williams CDs, "The Ego Has Landed" and its follow-up "Sing When You're Winning". Dan is horrified to know that I've become quite the Robbie Williams appreciator - I wouldn't say out and out FAN, but I appreciate him quite a lot. Enough to buy two albums! Especially when one was only a dollar and the second, about two. ^_^ ...But then there's that blasted SHIPPING cost. >:P Oh well, for all three items it was only just over $20 so I am not complaining! I still have about $80 to stare at and think "Only $80?! What is worth spending on?"

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