Thursday, July 17, 2008

"Gotta keep those balls in the air... how hard can it be?"

Ahhhh a montage. If my life rated a montage I'd be in MUCH better shape, just automatically. I mean, they only show montages of people who get really fit, right?

Oh well. I had a kind of aimless day today in workout-ville.

I did run another mile; this time I felt I should mix it up a little so I ran elevations on the treadmill.

0-2 minutes: 6.0mph, 2% elevation
2-4: 6.0mph, 4%
4-6: 6.0, 2%
6-8: 5.6, 6%
8-10: 6.0, 2%

I figure that's probably good for me. Or something. I hope it wasn't too short to do any good.

Then I did 30 minutes on the elliptical, which I must reiterate I HATE, but which is very efficient for calorie-burnin'. I did something somewhere like 500 calories, although I know you can never really trust the readout on a gym machine. Still though. It was on "hills" also, I figured I should stick with a theme.

Afterwards I did some more stretches, and then crunches, this time being good and working hard! 25x2 regular crunches and 25x2 bike abs, so that's either 75 or 100 total depending on how you look at it. :) I skipped the pushups. I'm too sore.

Nothing else really to talk about. Boss is out on a meeting today and tomorrow so I'm busybusy, though admittedly some of that is becuase I am taking it upon myself to be Proactive! and Get things done! like that.

From the "don't say I never did anything for you" department, to those who sit all day (like hmmm, I don't know, me) here's a little mini ab workout that FitSugar posted a while ago. I haven't done it in about a month. But it's mini and you can do it at your desk without anyone really knowing. At Your Desk Abs Workout


SueWho said...

What balls are you talking about? By the way, I remember a time when you thought I was working out too much. Now it's your turn. But you seem to be having fun. Hope you are!

zebeckras said...

I don't remember every saying you were working out too much. When was that? I remember thinking Emilie was working out too much, but that was years ago and I didn't really know better at the time. ;)

The "balls" are from Arrested Development, and so is the montage. Such as it is. In the third season they make up their own songs a lot and that's one of them, it's kind of an "eye of the tiger" kind of song only it apparently is about juggling. :)